10 June 2009

ZIP Code Lookup with the Google Geocoder

I have a client who has ended up (due to a misunderstanding by me) with a list of user registrations having some addresses without ZIP codes. So I decided I could probably fix all of them by using a ZIP code lookup service. The U.S. Postal Service has a web service for this, but after signing up and trying it I decided it was a real pain. The sign up process was a little heavy handed, but worse was the test server they restricted you to using until your "application" was "ready," and then you would need to contact them for access to the real site.

I figured there must be a better way, so after some searching (including programmableweb.com and data.gov), I found that Google's Geocoder can do this.

So my simple, kind of raw REST demo of using the Google Geocoder for ZIP code lookup is working. Useful and simple, take a look.

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